I was once an avowed communist
I was once an avowed communist

i was once an avowed communist i was once an avowed communist

STORM's error was not being clear to members that they were an "advance guard" organization, and not a "vanguard organization." Jones and Garza had to learn where they fit into the broader, global international socialist struggle. We were a cadre organization that was working to build revolutionary mass organizations and to lay the groundwork for a future revolutionary party (or parties) by building a broad revolutionary internationalist trend. STORM repented of this grievous Marxist error as a "lesson learned," We did not understand clearly enough the distinction between cadre organization, revolutionary parties, revolutionary organization and vanguard organization. In Reclaiming Revolution, STORM editors discussed their Maoist self-critical evaluation of accusations other groups made that STORM considered itself the revolutionary vanguard of Marxism. Once Marxists secure power, the perpetual revolution continues, rooting out Marxist non-believers and building the Progressive utopia. The role of the vanguard doesn't end there. A cadre of hardcore, trained Marxists however, fight on, waiting until the time is right for a general revolution. Most protesters who participate in these causes loose interest after a war ends or an election changes priorities. Marxist organizing takes years, and only a few hardcore individuals survive all the failed organizing attempts, such as anti-war movements, anti-police movements, Occupy Wall Street, etc. In Marxist thought, a "revolutionary vanguard" are advocates of perpetual revolution. STORM considered itself a revolutionary vanguard party. The leftist blog Machete 48 identifies STORM's influences as " third-worldist Marxism (and an often vulgar Maoism)." Revolutionary vanguard Main article : Revolutionary vanguard

i was once an avowed communist

Imperialism" during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. The organization had its roots in a group protesting "U.S. Jones began his Marxist and anti-police activity in 1991 as a founding organizer of the communist revolutionary organization, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM).

I was once an avowed communist